Figure Often Drawn With A Halo

Figure Often Drawn With A Halo

Figure Often Drawn With A Halo

A halo is a symbol that typically appears above the head of a religious figure, like an angel or saint. It is typically used to represent the divine, holiness, and purity. In art, the halo is often used to depict a person of great religious or moral character.

Origin of Halo

The halo has been used in art for centuries and its origin is unclear. It is believed that the halo is a symbol of divinity that dates back to ancient Greece and Rome. In Christianity, the halo is associated with Jesus Christ, angels, and other religious figures.

Meaning of Halo

The halo is a symbol of holiness, purity, and divine light. It is often used to represent a person of great religious or moral character. The halo is also seen as a sign of protection and blessing.
Examples of Halo
The halo is often used to depict religious figures such as Jesus Christ, saints, angels, and the Virgin Mary. It is also used in many different types of art, such as paintings, sculptures, and icons.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. The figure is not drawn to scale. What is the shaded area?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

triangle 1

= 1/2 x a x t

= 1/2 x 10 x 12

= 60 cm2

triangle 2

= 1/2 x a x t

= 1/2 x 8 x 10

= 40 cm2

triangle 1 - triangle 2

= 60 cm2 - 40 cm2

= 20 cm2

2. a figure with three sides is called a​




A polygon with three sides is a triangle.

3. The figure is not drawn to scale. Find the area of the shaded triangle. ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Area of triangle = Base x Height

= 22 x 22

= 484

So, the area of the shaded triangle is 484

4. /with/often/friends/i/my/games/play​


I often play games with my friends.

5. 4. Andrew: "Does Mandy have lunch with Sue often?"Andrew asked me Mandy lunch with Sue often.5. Justin: "Do you do it often?"Justin asked me​


4. Yes Mandy Does Lunch With Sue often

5.Yes I Do

6. In the figure below not drawn to scale, ABCD is a square and CEFG is a rhombus. ∠GFC = 36°.Find ∠FGD. Please answer?


∠FGD = 72

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

- jml ∠ segitiga = 90

- segitiga CGFC merupakan segitiga sama kaki.

- ∠GFC = ∠GCF = 36

- jml ∠ segitiga = 180

- ∠GFC + ∠GCF + ∠CGF = 180

36 + 36 + ∠CGF = 180

72 + ∠CGF = 180

∠CGF = 180 - 72

∠CGF = 108


∠FGD = 180 - ∠CGF

∠FGD = 180 - 108

∠FGD = 72


kalo benar, jadikan yang terbaik ya

7. The figure below is now drawn to scale. AB = BC, AD = DC = 60 deg and


ngerti sama sekali ini Inggris atau matematika

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

masa masa ada matematika makai bahasa Inggris pakai yang bahasa Indonesia lah

8. she often argues with people present debatable explanations

artinya: dia sering berdebat dengan orang yang memberikan penjelasan yang bisa diperdebatkanbahasa indonesia nya adalah dia sering berdebat dengan orang yang memberikan penjelasan yang bisa diperdebatkan

9. A circle can be drawn with ...a.steelb.compassesc.scissord.magnet​




b. compasses

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf klu slh

10. A: how often do you drink milk with fomous actor B. I..... Milk with him twice

semoga membantuA. how often do you drink milk with famous actor
B.i drink milk with him twice

11. with the dousf f. The girls oftena) playb) plays​




Plays untuk singular subject (tunggal/sendiri) contoh; He, She, It.

Play untuk plural subjects (lebih dari 1) contoh; I, You, They, We.

12. In the figure below not drawn to scale, ∠ABC is 65°. ∠BCA is 59°. Find ∠CAB. ​ butuh hari ini plis


∠CAB = 56°

Explanation with steps:

∠ABC = 65°

∠BCA = 59°

the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180°, so

total angle of triangle = ∠CAB + ∠ABC + ∠BCA

180° = ∠CAB + 65° + 59°

∠CAB = 180° - 65° - 59°

∠CAB = 56°

13. Carriage is usually drawn by a................​


kuda, bagal, lembu ataupun kendaraan lain semisal lokomotif.

(horses, mules, oxen or other vehicles such as locomotives.)


maaf kalo salah

14. Jawaban dari A bird often served with orange sauce?

Seekor burung sering disajikan dengan saus jeruk.

15. 3.I have never seen these........a).womanb)womenb).womansdo.Womens4. These arenot..........apples leftA).anyb).somec).muchd).little5. Find the correct english ordera). He drinks withhis friend often teab). He drinks often with his friend teac). He often drinks tea with his friendd). He often drinks with his friend tea​

3. I have never seen these........

Answer: b) Women

4. These are not..........apples left

Answer: Might be a) / I'm not sure sorry

5. Find the correct English order

Answer: c) He often drinks tea with his friend

Hope this help, and have a great day

16. if you weren't a procrastinator,I....(go) out with you more often

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Second Conditional

If you weren't a procrastinator, I would go out with you more often.

17. he often ______ me with my homework.​



18. 5) The figure below is not drawn to scale. PTU is an equilateral triangle and PQSR is a rectangle. FindZQSTTPQAnswer:​

jelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

tolong di jelaskan ini yang dicari apa

19. if you weren't a procrastinator,I....(go) out with you more often


if you weren't a procrastinator, I will go out with you more often

jika kamu tidak suka menunda-nunda, aku akan lebih sering pergi denganmu



If you weren't a procrastinator, I would go out with you more often.


Second conditional

If clause, Main clause

If (Past tense),  S + would/could + V1

20. 1. (+) He often helps me with my homework(-) ...(?) ...2. (+) Children often spend their time with their friends un the morning(-) ...(?) ...​


1.(-) He does not often help me with my homework

(?) Does he often help me with my homework?

2.(-) Children do not often spend their time with their friends on the morning

(?) Do Children often spend their time with their friends on the morning?


maaf kalo salah

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