Dearly Departed The Play

Dearly Departed The Play

Introduction to Dearly Departed The Play

Summary of the Play

Dearly Departed is a comedy play by David Bottrell and Jessie Jones. It follows the Turpin family, who are struggling to come to terms with the unexpected death of their father, Bud Turpin. Along the way, they must deal with a host of colorful characters, including Bud's disapproving brother, his overly emotional wife, and their bickering children. The play is a humorous look at family dynamics, as well as a testament to the strength of family bonds.

Themes of the Play

The play deals with the themes of death, family, and religion. It explores how a family deals with the death of a loved one, how religious beliefs can affect the way we view death, and how family relationships can be strengthened or strained in times of crisis.

The Characters

The play features a large cast of characters, all of whom are members of the Turpin family. They include Bud's wife, Raynelle; their children, Junior, Ray-Bud, and Suzanne; Raynelle's brother, Delightful; and Raynelle's parents, the Reverend and Mrs. Meechum. The characters are all struggling to cope with the death of Bud, and their interactions and relationships are a major source of comedy in the play.

The Setting

The play is set in the small town of Fayro, Texas. The setting serves as an important part of the play, as it provides a backdrop of Southern charm and hospitality to the Turpin family's struggles.


Dearly Departed is a hilarious comedy that explores the themes of death, family, and religion. The characters are all unique and relatable, and the setting of Fayro, Texas provides the perfect backdrop for the story. The play is sure to leave audiences laughing, crying, and reflecting on what it means to be a family.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. waves are...against the can hear the sound verry dearly


Waves are crossing /cross against the can hear the sound verry dearly


2. the flight will have departed at 4 p.m

Pesawat akan berangkat pada pukul 4 sore
Penerbangan akan berangkat pada pukul 4 sore.

3. "Departed" The underlined word is closest in meaning to...​


leave =berangkat

set out = berangkat


arti dari departed adalah berangkat dan itu memiliki arti yang sama dengan leave and set out


go off

maaf klo slh , smg membantu:")

4. Change to negative : The children play volleyball in the yard (3 Poin) The children doesn't play volleyball in the yard The children don't play volleyball in the yard The children play volleyball in the yard Do The children play volleyball in the yard ?​


The children don't play volleyball in the yard


Semoga Membantu


The children don't play volleyball in the yard.

Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)

5. every thirteen minutes.7. The trainA departB. departsC. departedD. departing​




i hope this help

sorry if i wrong

b. departs

maaf kalau salah

6. sambungkan kata holiday play I play tennis at of the the​


i play tennis of the holiday


I play tennis at the holiday

7. 1.i(play)....the piano guitar now. 3.we (play).... violins now. 4.they( play).... harus now. 5.he (play)....the trumpet now. 6. she( play)....the flute now. 7. it (play)....the drums now. ​


1 . iamplayingthepianonow









1. I am playing the piano now
2. You are playing the guitar now
3. We are playing violins now
4. They are playing the harus now
5. He is playing the trumpet now
6. She is playing the flute now
7. It is playing the drums now

we use (-ing) for something that we do now (at a current moment and is on process)

thank you. :)

8. Don't play on the road,play In




yang artinya;

Jangan bermain di jalanan, main lah di taman bermain kota.


Don't play on the road, play in the playground city

semoga membantu

#jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

9. in the conversationHere are what we will do. First, we will listen careto our teacher read the conversation. Secondrepeat the conversation after our teacher, sentencesentence. Then, in groups we will play the roles of inspeakers in the conversation.say the sentences loudly, dearly, and correctly.​


dalam percakapan Inilah yang akan kita lakukan. Pertama, kita akan mendengarkan guru kami membaca percakapan. Kedua

mengulangi percakapan setelah guru kita, kalimat per kalimat. Kemudian, dalam kelompok kita akan memainkan peran pembicara dalam percakapan.

ucapkan kalimat dengan keras, penghayatan, dan benar.


10. 4. Skipping – want - kids - the - rope - the - play – toThe correct arrangement isa. the kids to want play the skipping ropeb. the kids want to play the skipping ropec. the skipping rope want to play the kids d. the rope skipping want to play the kids​


B.The kids want to play the skipping rope


Semoga membantuu◉‿◉


b. the kids want to play the skipping rope


Semoga membantu

11. Through the telescope, l ... see the stars dearly A. WillB. canC. will notD. cannot​


B. Can (bisa)

Dengan melalui teleskop, aku bisa melihat bintang-bintang dengan jelas.


Semoga membantu

12. the trumpet - she - play - can.The best arrangement is ...a. she the trumpet can playb. the trumpet can't play shec. she can't play the trumpetd. she can play the trumpete. the trumpet can play shetolong dijawab​





D. she can play the trumpet

13. it rains heavily outside. the children _______ soccer in the field.a.can playb.could play c. can't play d.couldn't play​

c. can't play

semoga membantu


jawaban nya

c.can't play

14. 1. Understanding the text above and answer the question:a. What kind of the text? b. Mention the generic of the text? c. What is the orientation of the text? d. What is re-orientation of the text? e.The writer was lucky because..... f. The bus had departed... Departed is synonim....... g. Mention kalimat past tense( v2) of the text..... h. What did the writer do after she new that the bus had departed?​


1. Memahami teks di atas dan menjawab pertanyaan:

Sebuah. Teks seperti apa?

b. Sebutkan generik teks?

c. Apa orientasi teksnya?

d. Apa re-orientasi teks?

e. Penulis beruntung karena .....

f. Bus telah berangkat ...

Berangkat adalah sinonim .......

g. Sebutkan kalimat past tense (v2) dari teks .....

h. Apa yang penulis lakukan setelah dia mengetahui bahwa bus telah berangkat?

15. What will you say if you did not hear dearly what the speaker just said

sorry, can you talk more loudly, I did not hear it

16. the girls like to play...but the boys like to play...

The girls like to play a doll but the boys like to play football!The girls like to play "a doll" but the boys like to play "football"

17. Change to negative : The children play volleyball in the yard (3 Poin) The children doesn't play volleyball in the yard The children don't play volleyball in the yard The children play volleyball in the yard Do The children play volleyball in the yard ?​


The children don't play volleyball in the yard


semoga membantu

18. Apa arti the sudents dont play in the play ground

Murid murid tidak bermain di taman bermainmurid”/anak” jangan bermain di taman bermain

19. 7. John will play the role of the Prince in the play.

John akan memainkan peran Pangeran dalam drama itu.Bahasa Inggris = John will play the role of the Prince in the play.
Artinya = John akan bermain peran sebagai pangeran dalam drama

*maaf apabila ada kekeliruan*
*semoga membantu*

20. The student play the football


Ini aku gak tau diartiin ayau diapain


Kalo diartiin artinya




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