Bird Whose Name Means Sudden

Bird Whose Name Means Sudden

Bird Whose Name Means Sudden is a species of bird, also known as the Sudden Flycatcher, which is found in Mexico and Central America. It is a medium-sized passerine bird, known for its distinctive brownish-gray coloring and its bright red eyes. It is an insectivore, meaning it feeds primarily on insects. What does the Bird Whose Name Means Sudden feed on? The Bird Whose Name Means Sudden feeds primarily on insects.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Whats your name ? Means

Artinya yaitu
"Siapa nama kamu?"siapa namamu ? maksud

2. orang utan name means?​


Orangutan (non-standard form: orangutan) or mawas is a type of great ape with long arms and reddish or brown hair, which lives in tropical forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, khu


thank you

3. 11. Rabbit means12. Frog means13. Seven means.14. The bird has..wings.15. Goat has ....... feet.​


11. Rabbit means kelinci.

12. Frog means katak.

13. Seven means tujuh.

14. The bird has 2 wings.

15. Goat has 4 feet.




13.tujuh / 7




semoga membantu :)

Semangat belajarnya:D

4. ✨ Quizz ✨ kali ini quis bahasa Inggris1. means bird ?2. means moon ?3. what is sun?​


1.Birds are members of a group of vertebrate animals that have feathers and wings.

2.The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and is the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System

3.The sun is the center of the solar system where the members of the solar system surround and form an order in it. The members of the solar system move around in each of the regular trajectories (orbits).

5. a fruit which hassame name white a bird​

"kiwi fruit"

semoga membantu

6. apa arti bahasa inggris one day there was a slave whose name babu

 one day there was a slave whose name babu

artinya adalah  =  suatu hari ada seorang budak yang namanya babusuatu hari ada seorang budak yang bernama Babu

7. i have a dog, who should i give whose name .if i may give you your name you are sincere in your name in this answer​


sekian trimakasih

8. 1.whats is your name 2.Look!in indonesian means 3.aku baik baik saja in English means


1. siapa namamu?

2. lihatlah!

3. i'm okay/ i'm fine


bisa bantu segini aja, maaf klo salah


1. What is your name ?

In Indonesia means : Siapa namamu?

2. Look !

In Indonesia means : Lihat !

3. Aku baik baik saja

In English means : I am fine/Im okay


9. I 7. The word sure name means .... A. nickname B. first name C. family name D. forename​


The word sure name means family name.
C. family name

10. relative clause ( who , whom , which , whose) dari "I know a man. His last name is Ijum" adalah

I know a man whose last name is Ijum. :)

11. She adopted her pen name, J.K., incorporating her grandmother's name, Kathleen, for the latter initial Means


her name remains Kathleen

12. 1.what is a means of five means of transportationmmmm​



Communication is an activity to convey information, be it messages, ideas, and ideas, from one party to another which is carried out directly or indirectly ...








Cable car

semoga membantu ya!!happy masuk jawara!!!!

13. A paradise bird has beautiful feathers and a peacock does too it means

The Paradise Bird and The Peacock both of them has beautiful feathers.

14. name threo means of air transfortatlon​


artinya :

Sebutkan tiga alat transportasi udara

1.) Airplane( pesawat )

2.) Helicopter( helikopter )

3.) Air balloon( balon udara )


semoga membantu jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

15. name threo means of air transfortatlon​




Hot air balloons


kalo salah ya Belajar blok jangan brainly mulu

16. What does the man do to the bird because the bird cannot say the name of a place


What Do You Mean I Cant Understand It

17. What's the name of the novel whose you borrowed?


whose jadiin which


karena whose untuk pemilik barang,

sedangkan which untuk barangnya saja.

Semoga membantu ☺

18. Jhon Smith. The word Jhon means .... O family name O forename first name O nickname​


First name


Karena Jhon smith

yang pertama Jhon

kalau family name ada orang tua atau anaknya

nickname kayak Panggilan kecilnya kayak misalnya namanya Ellie nicknamenya El

(maaf kalau jawabanya Salah)

19. A. Write the name of the birds.1. The bird is brown. It is?2. This bird is from Australia.?3. This bird is a penguin?4. This bird is gold and blue.?5. This bird is taucan.?6. This bird is short and fat.?​


1. Eagle

2. Emu

3. Penguin

4. BIrd of paradise / cendrawasih

5. Toucan

6. Dodo

20. what name of animal whose have a taskbon their body?please jawab ini ulangan​


Nama hewan apa yang memiliki taskbon badan mereka?

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