Which Of The Following Compounds Is An Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

Which Of The Following Compounds Is An Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

What is an Unsaturated Hydrocarbon?

An unsaturated hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon that contains one or more double or triple bonds between carbon atoms. These bonds are known as "unsaturated" because they are not as strong as single bonds.

Examples of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

The most common examples of unsaturated hydrocarbons are alkanes and alkenes. Alkanes are hydrocarbons with single bonds between carbon atoms, while alkenes are hydrocarbons with double bonds between carbon atoms.

Which of the Following Compounds is an Unsaturated Hydrocarbon?

The following compounds are examples of unsaturated hydrocarbons: ethylene (C2H4), propylene (C3H6), butadiene (C4H6), pentene (C5H8), and hexene (C6H10).
In conclusion, an unsaturated hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon that contains one or more double or triple bonds between carbon atoms. Examples of unsaturated hydrocarbons include ethylene, propylene, butadiene, pentene, and hexene.

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1. Unsaturated compounds is ? Dijawab ya inggris kimia

based on oxford dictionary:
(of an organic compound) having a double or triple bondand capable of taking on elements or groups by direct chemicalcombination without the liberation of other elements or compounds, asethylene, CH 2 =CH 2

kl menurut bhs indonesia, senyawa tdk jenuh

2. naming hydrocarbon compounds



Hidrokarbon merupakan senyawa karbon yang tersusun dari atom karbon dan atom hidrogen. Kelompok - kelompok hidrokarbon dikelompokkan menjadi dua macam yaitu hidrokarbon jenuh atau alkena dan hidrokarbon tak jenuh (alkena dan alkuna)

Tata Nama Senyawa Alkana :

1. Untuk rantai karbon tidak bercabang penanaman sesuai dengan jumlah atom C dimiliki dan diberi awalan n

2. rantai induk diberi nama alkana sesuai dengan jumlah atom C yang dimiliki oleh rantai induk.

3. Cabang merupakan gugus alkil dan diberi nama sesuai dengan Atom C dalam cabang tersebut.

4.Jika terdapat lebih dari satu alkil, nama nana alkil disusun menurut abjad

5. jika terdapat sua gugus alkil atau lebih dengan nomor atom yang sama maka nomor tersebut harus diulang. Beri awalan di, tri, tetra, dan seterusnya pada nama gugus alkil sesuai dengan jumlahnya.

6. untuk penomoran rantai karbon yang mengandung banyak cabang :

- jika penomoran ekivalen dari kedua ujung rantai, maka pilih rantai yang mengandung banyak cabang

- gugus alkil dengan jumlah C lebih banyak diberi nomor yang lebih kecil

2. Tata Nama Senyawa Alkena

1. Rantai induk adalah rantai karbon terpanjang yang mengandung ikatan rangkap 2. Penamaan rantai induk sesuai dengan tata nama alkena, hanya saja kata ana diganti ena.

2. Rantai induk diberi nomor dengan urutan atom C ikatan rangkap diberi nomor terkecil.

3. Ketentuan lainnya sama dengan alkana

3. Tata Nama Senyawa Alkuna

1. Rantai induk terpanjang adalah rantai karbon terpanjang yang memiliki ikatan rangkap 3. Nama rantai induk sesuai dengan tata nama alkana hanya saja ana diganti dengan una

2. Rantai induk diberi nomor dengan ketentuan atom C yang memiliki ikatan rangkap tiga diberi nomor yang terkecil.

3. Ketentuan lain sama seperti tata nama alkana

3. Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....

Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....


- Nuclear


4. the following compounds that do not deliver electricity is....A. KCIB. HBrC. C2H5OHD. Ca(OH)2E. HNO3

Senyawa yg tidak menghantarkan listrik:
-Bukan senyawa ionik
-Tidak bersifat asam / basa dalam air
-disebut non-elektrolit


5. SOLVE THIS ??! Pure propane (C3H8) from El Paso is dehydrogenated catalytically in a continuous process to obtain propylene (C3H6). All of the hydrogen formed is separated from the reactor exit gas with no loss of hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbon mixture is then fractionated to give a product stream containing 88 mole % propylene and 12 mole % propane. The other stream, which is 70 mole % propane and 30 mole % propylene, is recycled. The one-pass conversion in the reactor is 25%, and 1000 kg of fresh propane are fed per hour. Find (a) the kg of product stream per hour, and (b) the kg of recycle stream per hour.

product stream per hour

6. For complete combustion, 1 mol of an organic compound x requires 2.5mol of o2. which compounds could be x ? 1 c2h5oh 2 c2h2 3 ch3cho


X would be C2H2


For complete combustion, the product would be CO2 and H2O

X + O2 --> CO2 + H2O

-      -            -           -

Balance the equation

X + 2.5O2 --> aCO2 + bH2O

we have 5 O at the left, which mean there must be 5 O at the right. It consist of 4 O from CO2 and 1 O from H2O

X + 2.5O2 --> aCO2 + bH2O

X + 2.5O2 --> 2CO2 + 1H2O

we have 5 O at left & right

We have 2 C at right and 2H at right... which mean there must be 2C and 2H at left too.. thus X would be C2H2

7. Cobalt is a metallic element. One of the compounds of cobalt is vitamin B12, which has the formula C⁶³H⁸⁸CON¹⁴0¹⁴P. Another compound of cobalt is cobalt (II) chloride, which has the formula CoCl². Vitamin B12 is a molecule, whereas cobalt (II) chloride is not molecule. Which of the following statements is/are true?1. The bond formed by the metallic element to the rest of the molecule in Vitamin B12 is ionic.2. There are 6 elements found in vitamin B12, whereas there are only 2 elements in cobalt (II) chloride.3. One mole of vitamin B12 contains 60 times the number of particles in one mole of cobalt (II) chloride.4. There are 181 atoms in a molecule of vitamin B12, whereas there are only 3 atoms in the ionic formula of cobalt (II) chloride.A) option 1 onlyB) option 1 and option 3C) option 2 and option 4D) all optionsMy guess is C, because molecules are formed from covalent instead of ionic bonds. Can anyone clarify?Thank you!​

Jadi jawaban yang sesuai adalah C. opsi 2 dan opsi 4.

PembahasanIkatan antara unsur logam Co dengan molekul Vit B-12 bukanlah ikatan ionik, melainkan ikatan kovalen karena terdapat pasangan elektron bersama di dalamnya. Kalau dilihat akan kompleks sebenarnya. Kalau CoCl₂ kan termasuk senyawa ionik, yang terbentuk atas unsur logam dan unsur non logam, jelas ikatan terjadi karena interaksi ionik (beda elektronegativitas yang tinggi) jadi bisa dikatan terbentuk oleh ikatan ionik.
Pengertian senyawa molekul dan senyawa ionik ==> tidak sesederhana senyawa biner saja ya :D.Ada 6 jenis unsur dalam Vit B-12 jelas :
C = karbon
H = hidrogen
Co = cobalt
N = nitrogen
O = oksigen
P = fosforSesuai dengan bilangan avogadro ya,
Satu mol senyawa/unsur/molekul akan memiliki jumlah partikel yang sama dengan bilangan avogadro.
Jadi : jumlah partikel dari 1 mol Vit B-12 = jumlah partikel dari 1 mol cobalt (II) klorida.Jumlah atom = 63+88+1+14+14+1 = 181 atoms
Oke cocok ya. Angka itu adalah jumlah atom masing-masing unsur sesuai rumus molekul yang kamu berikan.


Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang bilangan avogadro :
brainly.co.id/tugas/9979067Materi tentang hukum dasar kimia :
brainly.co.id/tugas/22667817Materi tentang cara menghitung jumlah partikel : brainly.co.id/tugas/178366


Detail jawaban

Mapel : Kimia
Kelas  : X
Bab     : Hukum Dasar Kimia
Kode   : 10.7.6


8. What is the advantage and disadvantage about hydrocarbon combustion?

We can use hydrocarbons as fuel. Hydrocarbons can be burned to release energy.
Can be cheap.
Provides energy quickly and is moderately reliable.
The amount of carbon dioxide released can be controlled.
The amount of other gases released, such as sulfur impurities, can also be reduced by being refined further (although this process would be expensive).

Although there are far more disadvantages than advantages of burning hydrocarbons, the main advantage is that it enables us to use energy that we utilise in our everyday lives, whether it be using electricity or driving a car. The disadvantages, however, can have devastating affects on the environment that will be irreversible, such as global warming. This endangers the lives of organisms living on Earth. Global dimming and 'acid rain' are also key problems. Fortunately, these issues can be resolved by refining the hydrocarbons to remove impurities, such as sulfur and nitrogen. 

9. which of these compounds is not an electrolyte? a. sulphuric acid b. copper(II) chloride c. ammonium chloride d. carbon tetrachloride e. potassium hydroxide

d karena carbon tetrachloride tidak dapat membentuk ionD. Karbon tetraklorida
Senyawa tersebut memiliki ikatan kovalen, bukan ion

10. 10 cm³ of pure hydrocarbon was completely burnt in 80 cm³ of oxygen at 425K after cooling to room temperature, the gaseous mixture volume decreased from 110 cm³ to 50 cm³. All gas volumes were measured at the same temperature and pressure. what is the formula of the hydrocarbon ? a.C2H6 b.C3Hg c.C4 H10 d.C5 H12 e.C2H2

gak tau artinya dek xD

11. If a 3 g sample of alkane is burned, 5,4 g of water vapor is produced. What is the molecular formula of that hydrocarbon?

anda anak mana sih?
ingat alkane memiliki rumus molekul umum CnH2n+2 paham? so... anda misalkan CxHy, paham?, kemudian tulis reaksinya

CxHy(g) +   O2 (g) --> CO2 (g) + H2O (g)

kemudian anda cari mol H2O = gram/Mr = 5,4/18 = 0,3 mol

terus gini, karena tidak di ketahui massa CO2 nya kita bisa otak2 atik
kemudian kita bisa gunakan perbandingan molnya...

kalo saya misal pake C2H6 (ethane), so...n hitungh mol dari ethane = gram/molar mass = 3/30 = 0,1 mol kan?  kemudian masukan ke reaksi :

C2H6 (g) + 3,5 O2 (g) --> 2 CO2 (g) + 3 H2O (g)  
0,1 mol _________________________0,3 mol

apakah sesuai dg hitungan awal kita bahwa H2O adalah 0,3 mol?

so... smg membantu...

12. Compound x is made from two elements. one element has the second highest value of first ionisation energy in its group and the other element has the third highest value of first ionisation energy in its group. which compounds could be compound x


Senyawa X terbentuk dari dua unsur. Unsur pertama memiliki energi ionisasi pertama tertinggi kedua dari golongannya dan unsur kedua memiliki memiliki energi ionisasi pertama tertinggi ketiga dari golongannya. Senyawa apa yang merupakan senyawa X itu?

Ne merupakan unsur pertama dengan eV 21.5646

F merupakan unsur kedua dengan eV 17.42282

Senyawa FNe- Neon fluoride(?)

13. Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic


Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic.....

which has the effect of suppressing or stopping a biochemical process in the organism, especially in the process of infection by bacteria.


Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic

artinya=Antibiotik ialah jenis senyawa baik alami dan sintetis

✍️by Alena

14. When natural gas burns, its ___ into atoms of carbon and hydrogen. (A) hydrocarbon molecules, breaking up (B) broke up by hydrocarbon molecules (C) hydrocarbon molecules break up (D) broken up hydrocarbon molecules


(C) hydrocarbon molecules break up


Kata its membutuhkan Noun (phrase) setelahnya. Phrase hydrocarbon molecules sesuai dengan persyaratan in, sementara kata break up menjadi verb dari its hydrocarbon molecules.

15. An unknown plastic foam consists of C, H, and N. The combustion of these compounds yields, N2, H2O, CO2 and as products. If the combustion of 9.72 g of the unknown substance yields 1.45 g N2 and 6.64 g H2O , what is its empirical formula?

Since we're going to need to calculate molar masses, let's start with looking up the atomic weights of the associated elements. Atomic weight carbon = 12.0107 Atomic weight nitrogen = 14.0067 Atomic weight hydrogen = 1.00794 Atomic weight oxygen = 15.999 Molar mass H2O = 2 * 1.00794 + 15.999 = 18.01488 g/mol Molar mass N2 = 2 * 14.0067 = 28.0134 g/mol Now calculate the number of moles of H2O and N2 we have Moles H2O = 6.63 g / 18.01488 g/mol = 0.368029096 moles Moles N2 = 1.46 g / 28.0134 g/mol = 0.052117915 moles Since there's 2 hydrogen atoms per H2O molecule, we have 2 * 0.368029096 mol = 0.736058192 moles of hydrogen. The mass of that hydrogen is 0.736058192 mol * 1.00794 g/mol = 0.741902494 g Since there's 2 nitrogen atoms per N2 molecule, we have 2 * 0.052117915 mol = 0.10423583 moles We already know the mass of nitrogen we have. Now we need to determine the mass of carbon we have and the number of moles of carbon. Subtract the know mass of hydrogen and nitrogen from the total mass of Aniline. So 9.71 g - 0.741902494 g - 1.46 g = 7.508097506 g Moles carbon = 7.508097506 g / 12.0107 g/mol = 0.625117396 mol We now have the ratio of carbon : hydrogen : nitrogen of 0.625117396 : 0.736058192 : 0.10423583 We need to get a ratio of small integers that closely approximates the above ratio. Start by dividing all the numbers by the smallest of the numbers. Giving: 5.997145089 : 7.061470053 : 1 All three of those values are acceptably close to integers with the ratio of 6:7:1 So the empirical formula of Aniline is C6H7N

semoga mwmbantu

16. which of the following is true about the chemical formula of these compounds caso4 co2 and hco3a. they all have the same mass numberb. they all contain atomsc. they all contain oxygen atomsd.they all have the same number of electrons​





17. What is a cell? explain the history of cell discovery? explain the understanding of cells according to scientists! What is an organic compound? mention inorganic compounds in cells! what is the cell size? why are micro cells? explain the difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells! mention the structure of prokaryotic cells! mention eukaryotic cell structure! what is the function of centrioles and state the structure! What is the function of the mesosome? What is the nature of cell membranes? mention the constituent elements of the cytoplasmic matrix!


how are you going out with me to do with the jong you are so beautiful I hope so I yelled and screamed

18. 28. Which of the following statements is true aboutfacultative anaerobic bacteria?a. It requires a constant supply of oxygen.b. It does not survive in an oxygenatedenvironment.c. It does not always need oxygen.d. It is photosynthetic.e. It oxidizes anorganic compounds to make theirfood.​

C, D, dan E


A salah karena itu sifat aerob obligat

B salah karena itu sifat anaerob obligat

C benar karena anaerob falkutatif itu bisa hidup di lingkungan tanpa oksigen ataupun ada oksigen

D Benar karena makhluk hidup anaerob falkutatib dapat hidup dengan fotosintesis apabila ada oksigen dan dapat melakukan siklus ferementasi apabila tidak ada gas oksigen (meskipun metabolisme jadi lama)

E. Benar karena fotosintesis merupakan proses oksidasi dan reduksi kalau tidak salah

Semisal ini pilgan jawablah c

19. Isobutylene is a hydrocarbon used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber. When 0.847 g of isobutylene was subjected to combustion analysis, the gain in mass of the CO2 absorber was 2.657 g and that of the H2O absorber was 1.089 g. What is the empirical formula of isobutylene?




1) Determine the mass of each element in a given mass number of compounds or the mass percent of each element.

Equation of reaction question

                   subscript C x subscript H subscript y and O 2 produces subscript C O 2 and subscript H 2 O

Mass of space C spaced from space C O subscript 2 is equal to the numerator fraction 1 cross over 12 above the denominator 44 end of the fraction multiplied by cross 2 point 657 equals 0 comma 72 gram space Mass of space H spaced from space H subscript 2 O is equal to the numerator fraction 2 cross times 1 denominator 18 final fraction cross 1 comma 089 equals 0 comma 12 gram spaces

2) Divide the mass of each element by the relative atomic mass, thus obtaining the mole ratio of each atomic ratio. For example, the formula for the compound is: C subscript x H subscript y mole space C colon space mole space H double bond x colon spaced space y mass over Ar C colonic space mass over Ar H double bond x colon spaced space y fraction of numerator 0 comma 72 denominator over 12 end fractions colon space fractional space 0 comma 12 denominator more than 1 ending fraction equal to 0 comma 06 space colon 0 comma 12

3) Convert the obtained comparisons to simple integers.

x space colon space y space equals space 0 comma 06 space colon space 0 comma 12 space equals space 1 space colonize space 2

Therefore, the empirical formula for the compound is the subscript CH2.

20. What number of atoms of nitrogen are present in 1.00 g ofeach of the compounds in Exercise 53​


1.00 g NH3 x (1 mole NH3 / 17.0 g NH3) x (6.023 x 10^23 molecules NH3 / 1 mole NH3) x (1 atom N / 1 molecule NH3) = 3.54 x 10^22 N atoms

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