What Is The Product 4n 4n 4

What Is The Product 4n 4n 4

What Is The Product 4n 4n 4?

What Does 4n 4n 4 Represent?

4n 4n 4 is shorthand for the product of four numbers, each of which is multiplied by itself four times. This type of expression is often used in algebraic equations and in mathematical proofs.

How Is 4n 4n 4 Calculated?

The product of four numbers, each multiplied by itself four times, is calculated by multiplying the first number by itself four times, then multiplying the result by the second number four times, and so on until all four numbers have been multiplied together.

Examples of 4n 4n 4 Calculations

For example, if the numbers are 2, 3, 4, and 5, the calculation would be: 24 × 34 × 44 × 54 = 16,777,216

Uses of 4n 4n 4

The product of four numbers, each multiplied by itself four times, is often used in mathematics to solve equations and for proofs. It can also be used to calculate the number of possible outcomes in a given situation.

Examples of 4n 4n 4 Calculations In Real Life

For example, if you wanted to calculate the number of possible combinations of a four-digit number, you could use the product of four numbers, each multiplied by itself four times. This would give you 104 × 104 × 104 × 104 = 10,000,000,000 possible combinations.
In summary, 4n 4n 4 is shorthand for the product of four numbers, each multiplied by itself four times. This type of expression is often used in algebraic equations and in mathematical proofs. It can also be used to calculate the number of possible outcomes in a given situation.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 1.what is the name of the product? 2.what is the type of the product? 3.what is the product for? 4.who can use the product? 5.what are the special qualities of the product? ​


1.Kids Relief Teething


3.Teeth Medicine

4.For kids age 0-9

5.Great tasting orange flavor

2. 1. What is the name of the product?2. What is the type of the product?3. What is the product for?4. Who can use the product?5. What are the special qualities of the product?​


1. kids relief

2. carton box

3. for medicine

4. for kids 0-9years old

5. can seethe pain and the other


1.kidd relief teething


3.teeth medicine

4.for kidd age 0-9

5.great tasting orange flavor

maaf kalo salah

3. 1. What is the brand of the product? 2. What is the name of the product? 3. What is the ingredients of the product? 4. What is the description of the product? 5. How is the directions to store? ​


1.Springs Of Hope

2.Cream Top Yogurt

3.Farm fresh whole milk and active bacterial culture

4.Fresh from our cows to your table

5.Keep Refrigerated


1. Apa merek produknya?

2. Apa nama produknya?

3. Apa bahan dari produk?

4. Apa deskripsi produk?

5. Bagaimana petunjuk penyimpanannya?

Boleh jawaban lain selain jawaban saya jika merasa jawaban saya kurang benar.Semoga bermanfaat,maafkan saya jika salah(namanya juga belajar guru pasti mengerti).

4. question:what is text the called¿what is the label about?what is the content/amount of the product in the package¿what is the name of the product¿what are the ingridients of the product?​

Short functional text (label).Fish oil supplement.60 softgels.Omega 3 pharmaceutical grade fish oil.Purified pharmaceutical grade deep fish softgel (bovine gelatin, glycerine, water) and natural tocopherol.


Short functional text merupakansebuah teks yang isinya berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari - hari. "Functional" dalam penamaannya juga memiliki makna tersendiri, hal ini karena penggunaan dari benda tersebut disesuaikan dengan fungsi - fungsinya.

Contoh short functional text :Food/supplement label.Pengumuman (announcement).Iklan (advertisement).Undangan (invitation).Resep (recipe).

Berdasarkansoal:Short functional text berbentuk label produk, isinya memaparkan isi/kandungan dalam produk tersebut.Fishoilsupplementatau suplemen minyak ikan.The package contains 60softgels (isi produknya sebanyak 60 kapsul).The name of the product is Omega3pharmaceuticalgrade fish oil (nama produknya adalah Omega 3 pharmaceutical grade fish oil).Purified pharmaceutical grade deep fish softgel (bovine gelatin, glycerine, water) and natural tocopherol (bisa dilihat di pojok kanan bawah label).

KesimpulanShort functional text (label).Fish oil supplement.60 softgels.Omega 3 pharmaceutical grade fish oil.Purified pharmaceutical grade deep fish softgel (bovine gelatin, glycerine, water) and natural tocopherol.

Pelajari lebih lanjutDefinisishortfunctionaltext: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/19970750Jenis-jenisshortfunctionaltext: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2090412Contohshortfunctionaltext: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1971856



Mapel :Bahasa Inggris

Kelas :7

Materi :Imperative, giving tips, reading notes of products

Kata kunci :Label

Kode kategorisasi :9.5.3

5. 1.What does the text tells us about? 2. What is the aim of writing the label? 3. What do the reader do after reading the label? 4. The product is useful for (whom).... 5. From the text we can conclude that the product is kind of.... 6. What is the most percentage of the ingredients of the product? 7. What is the least percentage of the ingredients of the product 8. What is the advantage of the product 9. Can everybody consume the product? 10. What is the prohibition of the product.​


advantage itu jawabannya

6. 1. What product is labeled by the label?2. What compose the product?3. What is the usage of the product?4. In what condition should we ask doctor?5. What parts of our body shouldn't we apply the product on?​


1.BANA(pain reliever bandage)

2.camphor and menthol.

3.temporarily relieves the minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with:simple back ache,bruises,arthritis,strains,and sprains.

4.aks a doctorbefore use if you have redness over the affected area.

5.on wounds ciri or damaged skin,with a heating pad,on a child under 12 years of age with arthritis conditions.


semoga membantu.

7. 1; what is the text about / what is the brand of the product?2: what is the named of the product? 3: the purpose of the product is.... many tes tea bags we need​

Jawaban:gajelas nanya nya. Produk apaan ga ada keterangan gambarnya juga


8. 1. What is the name of the product?2. What is the purpose of the writer?3. What is the product about?4. Why do people have to try the product?5. what is special from the product?​


1. McDonald's

2. To advertise and offer the product on Father's Day

3. To offer a special event on Father's Day

4. Because it's a free breakfast with our father on Father's Day in McDonald's

5. We can bring our father to McDonald's for breakfast for free on Father's Day

9. what is the product above


potato chip, it's a snack and the flavour is soo good

10. 1. What is the name of the product?2. What is the purpose of the writer?3. What is the product about?4. Why do people have to try the product?5. what is special from the product?​


versi indonesianya

1. sebuah poster yang menuliskan tentang hari ayah

2. tujuan nya untuk menarik konsumen dan mengingatkan konsumen akan hari ayah

3.nama produknya MCD Donalds

4. karena ini adalah restoran terkenal dan makanan nya juga enak

5. ada promosi nya bila mengajak ayahmu ke restoran tersebut maka ayah bisa makan gratis sesuai nama produk yg disebutkan di poster tersebut

Versi inggrisnya

1. a poster that says about Father's Day

2. Its purpose is to attract consumers and remind consumers of Father's Day

3.The product name is MCD Donalds

4. because this is a famous restaurant and the food is also delicious

5. There is a promotion if you take your father to the restaurant, then you can eat for free according to the name of the product mentioned on the poster

11. Question1. What is the kind of the label?2. Where is the product produced?3. What is usage of the product?4. Can infants consume the product?5. What is the definition of the word "dose" in the text?​


1. Product label (drug label)

2. The product is produced in Karanganyar, Indonesia

3. It helps to relieve cold symptoms such as fever, nausea, flatulence and headache. It also helps to soothe sore throat

4. No they can't

5. Dose means a quantity of a medicine or drug taken or recommended to be taken at a particular time

semoga membantu!

12. 1. what is the name of the product?2. what kind of product is it?3. how much litter does the product contain per bottle?4. what is the highest amount of the product?5. how much is the amount of carbohydrate?​


POP 1000 Healthy DrinkVitamin drink140mlNatrium16g

semoga membantu<3

13. 1. What is the purpose of the label ? 2. What is the label about? 3. What are ingredients of this product? 4. What is the name of the product? 5. What is the flavor of this product? 6. How weigh is the product? 7. How many vitamins is in the product? what are they? 8. What is the description of this product? 9. Why is the product stated "99% fat free" ? 10. Who is allowed to consume the product?​


to tell what is contained in the productabout protein, fat, vitamins and othersmilk and sugarthe product name is "Yoplait"strawberry flavour the weight of the product is 170 grams15% vitamin A, 20% vitamin D, 20% calcium,phosporus 15%"This beverage product is healthy because it contains vitamins A, D, calcium and phosphorus"because the product is very healthy

10. everyone

Jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya

14. 1. What is the kind of label?2. Where is the product produced?3. What is usage of the product?4. Can infants consume product?5. What is the definition of the word "dose" in the text ​


1. medicine

2. Sehatmed, Karanganyar - Indonesia

3. - helps to relieve cold symptoms such as fever, nausea, flatulence, and headache

- helps to soothe sore throat

4. no

5. Dose is the amount of medicine that must be taken


semoga membantu :)

15. 1. what is the text about?2. what is the name of the product?3. what is the purpose of the text?4. what should you read before buying or consume this product?5. what is the product Made of?​


1. Its about the Nutrition Facts of Nutella

2. Nutella

3. To know the Nutrition Facts and other informations such as serve size, calories, etc

4. The date it expires

5. Peanuts, Sugar, Palm Oil, Skim milk, Cocoa, etc.

1. Label text

2. Nutella

3. to top off breakfast with nutella jam bread

4. - brand of product

   - Name of product

   - Description

   - Content/amount

   - use (s)

   - Direction to store

   - Expiration date

5. Nuts

Maaf kalau salah kid

16. what is the nameof the product?

what product? there are a lot kind of productProduct naming is the discipline of deciding what aproduct will be called, and is very similar in concept and approach to the process of deciding on a namefor a company or organization.

17. 1. What is the brand of the product?2. What is the name of the product?3. What kind of product is it?4. How much is the amount of the product?5. What are the uses of the product?6. What are the direction to use/dosage of the product?7. Where should we store the product?8. When is the expiration date?9. In what condition will you use the product?10. What is the purpose of reading the label?​


1. The brand of the product is Drug Mart-Food Fair.

2. The name of the product is Ear Drops For Swimmers.

3. The product is ear drops.

4. The amount is 1 FL Oz (30ml).

5. It is used to dry water-clogged ears from any water related activity.

6. To apply 4to 5drops in each affected ear.

7. Store at room temperatureand keep tightly closed.

8. (Mohon maaf tidak ada tulisan kapan kadaluarsa nya :c)

9. When our ears are water-clogged.

10. To know information ofhow to use the product.

18. 1. What is the serving size? 2. What kind of the product is it? 3. What is the total fat contained?4. What are vitamins in the product? 5. What percentage of calcium is in the product? ​


1.Serving Size 1 Container


3.Total Fat 0g

4.Vitamin A 15%

Vitamin D 20%

5.Calcium 35%

19. What is name of the product?What is brand of the product?Jawab dengan penjelasan. Thanks.​

Product vs Brand

The name of the product is herbal cough syrup.

The brand of the product is OB Herbal.



Product adalah barang dan/atau jasa yang dibuat (diproduksi) untuk dipasarkan ke konsumen.

Brand atau merek dagang adalah yang membedakan suatu product dengan product lainnya.  

Contoh product: ponsel, mobil, jam tangan

Contoh brand: Iphone, Honda, Rolex

Sebuah product dinilai dari fungsinya dan brand dinilai dari valuenya.

Product adalah apa yang konsumen butuhkan sedangkan brand adalah apa yang konsumen inginkan.

Brand biasanya ditandai dengan lambang ® atau ™ .



Nama product tersebut adalah obat batuk herbal. Merek dagangnya (brand) adalah OB Herbal.


Pelajari lebih lanjut:




Level: JHS IX

Subject: English

Category: Reading Comprehension


Code: 9.5.3 - Reading notes of products

Keywords: brand, product, name

20. hasil dari 4n²+4n²+4n²+4n²​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



4n² + 4n² + 4n² + 4n²

4(4n²) = 16n² OR (4n)²

semoga membantu

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

= 4n² + 4n² + 4n² + 4n²

= (4 + 4 + 4 + 4)n²

= (8 + 4 + 4)n²

= (12 + 4)n²

= 16n²

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