What Is 20 Of 3000

What Is 20 Of 3000

What Is 20% Of $3000?

Calculating 20% of $3000

Step 1: Calculate the Percentage

The first step in calculating 20% of $3000 is to calculate the percentage of the total. To do this, simply divide 20% (or 0.20) by 100 to get 0.002.

Step 2: Multiply the Percentage by the Total Amount

Once you have the percentage, the next step is to multiply it by the total amount. In this case, the total amount is $3000. So, you would multiply 0.002 x $3000 to get the answer.
Answer: 20% of $3000 is $60.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. What is the meaning of the song I love you 3000


Hailing from Indonesia, Stephanie Poetri has risen to the top of Spotify’s Viral 50 Chart with her hit song “I Love You 3000.” The single is produced by Austin Ong and Poetri herself. “I Love You 3000” was inspired by a line from Avengers: Endgame and has drawn more than 30 million YouTube views since its release in early June.

2. 24 similar cubes have a total volume of 3000 cm3. What is the edge of 1 cube?


5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

each small cube has volume

[tex] \frac{3000}{24} = 125 [/tex]

so, the edge of 1 cube is

[tex] \sqrt[3]{125} = 5[/tex]

3. A car which costs 7500 now has a value of 3000 what is the percentage depreciation in its value



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4500/7500×100%= 60%

4. A group of scientists has sent a rover to an unknown planet that closes to the Earth. The rover has a mass of 1200 kg. When the rover is successfully landed, it shows that the weight becomes 3000 N. Based on available data, what is the gravity of the unknown planet

Weight Formula:
Weight (W) = Mass (m) × Gravity Acceleration (g)

Available data:
M = 1200 kg
W = 3000 N
Gravity = ?

W = m × g
3000 = 1200 × g
g = 3000/1200
g = 2,5 N/kg
g = 2,5 m/s²

5. 2400-6000÷20+(3000)=







Semoga bermanfaat:)

Guru mapel:Danisya10

6. 1. What is a buffalo? Where do they live?2. Why do African buffalo live in herd of several hundred? What do you think? 3. Based on the text, how many buffalo is stated there? What are they? Mention the characteristic.. 4. "They are used to pull carts and ploughs,....". What does the word "they" refer to? 5. 'Water buffalo has been domesticated for 3000 years' What is the similar word of domesticated in your opinion?​


Buffalo artinya kerbau


7. nilai 20% dari 3000 adalah Rp

Nilai 20% dari Rp.3.000 :
3.000 x 20/100 = Rp.600
Jadi nilai dari 20% dari Rp.3.000 adalah Rp.600
Nilai 20% dari 3000 adalah
= 20/100 x 3000 = 60.000 / 100 = Rp600

-Umaku ikeba benridesu

8. Up to about 3000 million years ago, there was no oxygen in the earth's atmosphere. Today,about one fifth of the atmosphere is oxygen gas. Suggest what caused this changed.


ocygen yes nit work boy

9. 1.What is the names of product ?2. Does the product countain a lot of vitamins ?3. Does this product contain many benefits for health ?4. Why people should buy this product ?5. What is the price of the product?Answer = Harganya 3000

1. Richeese biskuit selimut
3.not much
4.because it have good taste
5.sudah ada jawabannya

10. bahasa arabnya 20 sampai 3000?

20 ="isyrun
21 = wahidun wa "isyrun
22 = itsnani wa "isyrun
23  = tsalatsatun wa "isyrun
24 = Arba"atun wa 'isyrun
25 = Khomsatun wa 'isyrun
26 = Sittatun wa 'isyrun
27 = sab'atun wa 'isyrun
28 = Tsamaniatun wa 'isyrun
29 = Sab'atun wa 'Isyrun
30 = Tsalatsun
31 = wahidun wa tsalatsun
32 = itsnani wa tsalatsun
33 = tsalatsatun wa tsalatsun
34 = arba'atun wa tsalatsun
35 =  khomsatun wa tsalatsun
36 = sittatun wa tsalatsun
37 = sab'atun wa tsalatsun
38 = tsamaniyatun wa tsalatsun
39 = tis'atun wa tsalatsun
40 = Arba'un
41 = wahidun wa arba'un
42 = itsnani wa arba'un
43 = tsalatsatun wa arba'un
44 = arba'atun wa arba'un
45 = khomsatun wa arba'un
46 = sittatun wa arba'un
47 = sab'atun wa arba'un
48 = tsamaniyatun wa arba'un
49 = tis'atun wa arba'un
50 = Khomsun
51 = wahidun wa khomsun
52 = itsnani wa khomsun
53 = tsalatsatun wa khomsun
54 = arba'atun wa khomsun
55 = khomsatun wa khomsun 
56 = sittatun wa khomsun
57 = sab'atun wa khomsun 
58 = tsamaniyatun wa khomsun
59 = tis'atun wa khomsun
60 = sittun
70 = sab'atun
80 = tsamanun
90 = Tis'un
100 = Mi'ah
101 = wahidun wa mi'ah
102 = itsnani wa mi'ah
103 = tsalatsatun wa mi'ah
104 = arba'atun wa mi'ah
105 = khomsatun wa mi'ah
106 = sittatun wa mi'ah
107 = sab'atun wa mi'ah
108 = tsamaniyatun wa mi'ah
109 =tis'atun wa mi'ah
110 ='Asyratoun wa mi'ah
111 = Ihda  'asyara wa mi'ah
112 = itsna 'asyara wa mi'ah
113 = tsalatsata 'Asyara wa mi'ah
114 = arba'ata 'asyara wa mi'ah
115 = khomsata 'asyara wa mi'ah
116 = sittata 'asyara wa mi'ah
117 = sab'ata 'asyara wa mi'ah
118 = tsamaniyata 'asyara wa mi'ah
119 = tis'ata 'asyara wa mi'ah
120 =  'Isyruuna wa mi'ah
130 = tsalatsuna wa mi'ah
190 = tis'una wa mi'ah
1000 = Alfun
1100 = mi'atun wa Alf
2000 = Alfain
3000      = tsalatsatu alf
Untuk lebih lengkapnya bisa lewat email. Saya merasa berat untuk menuliskannya di sini semuanya kalau ada pertanyaan bisa melalui
email saya khoulahbintuikhsan@gmail.com
id line saya children-ihsanmunir
karena waktu yang mendesak mohon maaf sekali lagi karena saya tidak bisa menuliskan jawaban sesuai dengan pertanyaan anda.

11. 2000×20×50×20×3000×2000​


Maaf kalo salah

12. . . is 3000 more than 604 315​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3000 + 604.315 = 607,315

13. 2400-6000÷20+(3000)=




14. the cell shown in the diagram has been magnified 3000 times. the diagram is 21 mm wide. what is the actual diameter of the cell?

The actual diameter of the cell based on the question above is 21/3000 mm or 0,007 mm. Setelah diperbesar sebanyak 3000 kali dan didapati ukuran diameter dari sell tersebut adalah 21 mm maka untuk menegtahui ukuran sebenarnya dari sell tersebut adalah dengan membagi ukuran setelah diperbesar dengan jumlah kali perbesaran. Oleh karena itu, didapati ukuranyya adalah 0,007 mm.


Sel adalah kumpulan dari materi yang paling sederhana yang hidup dan bagian penyusun makhluk hidup. Sel dapat melakukan aktivitas kehidupan dan reaksi kimia dalam mempertahankan kehidupan di dalam sellnya. struktur sel antara stuktur sel hewan dan tumbuhan berbeda beda. Struktur sel terdapat dua jenis yaitu struktur sel prokariot dan sel wukariot. Struktur sel prokariot adalah struktur sell yang tidak memiliki neukleus.sedangkan sel eukariot adalah struktur sel yang memiliki neukleus.Semua sel makhluk hidup memiliki membran plasma atau membran sel. Membran sel adalah lapisan paling luar yang melapisi dan menjaga komponen sel yang ada di dalamnya.Dinding sel adalah bagian sel yang hanya dimiliki oleh tumbuhan dan jamur. Pitoplasma memiliki 3 bagian utama yaitu: neukleus atau inti sel, sitoplasma, dan sitoskeleton.

Pelajari lalebih lanjut

Pelajari lebilh lanjut tentang Biologi https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1399949

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

15. 300×20÷70×400×2400÷3000÷3000

jawabannya 9,14285714285714

16. berapa hasil dari (-3000:(-20)+(-130​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:





=150 + (-130)

= 20

semoga membantu :D

17. What is the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100 inclusive ? ( i.e. , 1+2+3+4+5.............96+97+98+99+100 ) . 3000 . 3250 . 4550 . 4800 . 5050 . 7100



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Total = n/2 ( first number + last number)

         = 100/2 ( 1+100)

         = 50 (101)

         = 5.050

18. A skier weighing of 60 kg in a relaxed condition, is pulled for 20 m with the force of 150 N. The skier's kinetic energy is... Joule A. 1200 B. 3000 C. 9000 D. 12000

60 kg x 20 m = 1200 : 2 = 600. 600 x 150 = 9000 J

19. 20 cm + 3000 cm adalah​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu ^_^


30020 cm


semoga membantu

20. 3000 : 20% = please jawab

3000: 20%
3000 :20/100
3000 : 0.2

3000 :20%
3000/1 : 20/100
3000x100 : 20x1
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