Provide With A Quality

Provide With A Quality

Provide With Quality

What is Quality?

Quality is a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variations. In any work, quality is an important factor that should be taken into consideration. Quality should be taken into account when creating a product or performing a service for customers.

Why is Quality Important?

Quality is important because it provides value to customers. Quality products are reliable, durable, and safe. Quality products can also help to build trust and loyalty with customers. Quality is also important because it affects customer satisfaction. Customers are more likely to be satisfied with a product or service that meets their expectations.

How to Provide Quality?

Providing quality involves meeting customer expectations and ensuring that products and services are of the highest standard. Quality should be taken into account when creating a product or performing a service. Quality can be achieved by setting standards, monitoring performance, and continuously improving processes. Quality can also be ensured by providing training and resources, and by working with suppliers to ensure they are providing quality products.

Benefits of Providing Quality

Providing quality has many benefits. Quality products and services are more likely to be accepted by customers. Quality also leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, and can help to build trust with customers. Quality products and services can also lead to improved efficiency and cost savings.


Providing quality is essential for any business. Quality products and services are more likely to be accepted by customers, and can help to build trust and loyalty. Quality is also important for increasing customer satisfaction and improving efficiency. Quality should be taken into consideration when creating products or providing services, and can be achieved by setting standards, monitoring performance, and continuously improving processes.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. complete the text with the words provide​


lngkapi teks dngn kata"yang disediakan


semoga membantu maaf klo salah jawabanny

2. Fill in the blanks with the word provide! 1. You are a student of....

Isi bagian bagian kosong ini dengan kata yang disediakan!

1. Kamu adalah seorang siswa dari....

semoga membantu :D

3. 1.A place to moor ship= H.....2.a place to provide medicines for public purchase= P....3.A place to provide daily needs with self service= S....

1. harbour
2. pharmacy
3. supermarket
"The world isn't perfect. But it's here for us, doing the best it can. And that's what makes it so damn beautiful." ~Roy Mustang

4. apa yang dimaksud dengan ekspor quality atau quality ekspor

kualitas ekspor
maaf kalo salah
Ekspor Quality (Kualitas ekspor) :):):)

5. apa jawaban dari "Consumers (incorporate/attach/fit/associate) the brand with quality and are prepared to pay more."

Tolong kepada moderator supaya bisa menutup akun saya

6. If you want to buy some books with good quality


go to a bookshop

pergi ke toko buku


karena kalau mau beli buku dengan kualitas yang baik , kita mestinya pergi ke toko buku

----------------------------------------[tex]hope \: this \: helps \\ @howareyou32[/tex]

7. mengapa quality control dianggap sebagai bagian dari quality assurance?

quality qontrol biasanya hanya bertanggung jawab terhadap produknya.. sementara quality assurance lebih dari quality control seperti produk IT dalam hal ini quality assurance harus bisa memastikan kira2 sponsor atau pemodal bisa ga mendapatkan keuntungan besar jika memanfaatkan teknologi IT.. dalam hal ini quality assurance lah yg beryangguny jawab. thanks

8. What does a battery provide? *

Jawaban:Apa yang disediakan baterai?

Penjelasan: maaf kalo salah kalau bener follow

apa yg di sediakan baterai

sorry kl salah❤️

9. transparent glass of a very high quality, usually with its surface cut into delicate pattern is ...​


very smooth


thank you very much

10. ..... is a price of something (quality/cost) *pilih quality/cost​


cost krn cost itu biaya sm hal nya dgn price yaitu harga





because cost is a price of what is you want to choose and buy it

11. write 5 thing in front of your classroom with their quality


shoes = sepatu

slippers = sandal

shelf = rak

mat = keset

plants = tanaman

jangan lupa jadiin yg terbaik ya

12. indoor furniture company with high quality export standard is looking qualified tolong answer Ya??

----Jika diterjemah----Perusahaan furniture dalam-ruang dengan standar ekspor yang berkualitas sedang terlihat terkualifikasi.

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

13. Make sentences with the words below!A. DevelopmentB. MeetC. ProvideD. Function Please Help Me Friends!!.

A. The new agriculture machine has created by development colleger of Brawijaya University
B. I would like to meet my friend was knowing from Russia
C. Mrs. Isnina provide some food for social gathering of her son graduated party
D. The new smartphone has function as good

ya, betul bhs.inggrisnya ^_^

15. Read and observe the text below. which words in the text show the characteristic or quality? write the words in the table provide​


فتاتي البالغة من العمر سنة التي كانت منذ زمن طويل

16. 11. "Meet senior partners/discuss software development". The underlined word is synonymous with …. A. Decreasing C. Invention B. Quality D. Progress


D. progress


11. "Meet senior partners/discuss software development". The underlined word is synonymous with progress.

➡️ "Temui mitra senior / diskusikan pengembangan perangkat lunak". Kata yang digarisbawahi adalah identik dengan kemajuan. development identik dengan progress. karena Pengembangan berarti ada suatu kemajuan

Pilihan ganda;A. Decreasing ➡️ PenurunanC. Invention ➡️PenemuanB. Quality ➡️ kualitasD. Progress ➡️ Kemajuan ✔️

Jadi, dengan adanya pengembangan dari perangkat lunak maka akan ada kemajuan dari tingkat sebelumnya menjadi lebih baik.


Mencari persamaan makna:

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: SynonymLevel: JHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

Kata Kunci: development, progress

17. 31. What does Russell Shinny offer?A. To sell modern painting machines.B. To protect the paint on your car.C. To provide good quality paint.D. To make your house shiny.E. To provide skilful painters.​




"Russell Shinny is well-known for the best auto body paint" - perusahaan Russell dikenal dengan cat bodi mobil

"we offer you body paint and paint protection in one package" - kami menawarkan cat mobil dan pelindung cat dalam satu paket

√Semoga bermanfaat apabila jawaban ini menurutnya kakak benar dan membantu jangan lupa jadikan yang terbaik dengan cara memecet bintang .

Note : Koreksi bila ada kesalahan dan semangat terus kak ^_^

18. make simple dialogue showing compliment expression with the response about something.(performance,appearance anda personal quality)​


Lonnie: "Hi, Glenn! How are you feeling?"

Glenn: "Like the weight is finally off my shoulders! I've never felt so alive before."

Lonnie: "You did awesome back there. You make a charming Romeo. The theatre club is lucky to have you."

Glenn: "Aw, thanks. I appreciate you coming to see our play tonight. You're dressed to the nines!"

Lonnie: "Thank you!"


In this dialogue, Lonnie compliments Glenn on his stage performance. He returns the praise by saying 'dressed to the nines', meaning he was dressed very well.

19. Apa itu Exchange dengan kata-mu sendiri? (Berikan Contoh) | What is Exchange With your own words? (Provide an example.)*​



maaf kalo bener

20. Your computer ____ . A. must the best. C. be the best quality B. must be the best quality D. must be best quality

B. must be the best quality



b.must be the best quality


semoga membantu

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