20 Out Of 23

20 Out Of 23

What is 20 Out Of 23?

20 Out Of 23 is a type of assessment tool used to measure student mastery of a particular subject or skill. It involves asking students to answer 20 out of 23 questions correctly in order to demonstrate their understanding of the material. This type of assessment can be used in classrooms, as part of an end-of-year assessment, or even as part of a standardized test.

Advantages of 20 Out Of 23

20 Out Of 23 has several advantages over other forms of assessment. First, it allows students to demonstrate their mastery of the material in a more comprehensive way than a multiple-choice test. Additionally, it can be used to measure a student's knowledge of a variety of topics or skills, rather than just one. Finally, it can be used to assess both factual knowledge and application of that knowledge.

How to Use 20 Out Of 23

Using 20 Out Of 23 is relatively straightforward. To begin, the instructor should create a set of 23 questions that cover the material that the class is studying. The questions should be both factual and application-based. After the questions are created, the instructor should then ask the students to answer 20 out of the 23 questions correctly. The students should be given enough time to answer the questions, and the instructor should be available to answer any questions or provide assistance as needed.
Tips for Using 20 Out Of 23
When using 20 Out Of 23, it is important to ensure that the questions are relevant and challenging. Additionally, it is important to provide the students with enough time to adequately answer the questions. Finally, it is important to provide feedback and guidance as needed, so that the students are able to demonstrate their mastery of the material.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Mention the Past Participle of the Verbs Below! 1 Abandon 2 Break 3 Attach 4 Bend 5 Print out 6 wipe out 7 shut down 8 Smell 9Hold 10 Happen 11 Log out 12 Scroll down 13 Build 14 Grow 15 Plug in 16 Hang 17 Hit 18 Filter 19 mean 20 Overtake 21 Rise 22 Surrender 23 Shoot 24 Attack 25 Strike


1. Abandoned

2. Broke

3. Attached

4. Bent

5. Printed Out

6. Wiped Out

7. Shutted Down

8. Smelt/smelled

9. Held

10. Happened

11. Logged Out

12. Scrolled down

13. Built

14. Grew

15. Plugged In

16. Hung

17. Hit

18. Filtered

19. Meant

20. Overtook

21. Rose

22. Surrendered

23. Shot

24. Attacked

25. Stroke


Bahasa Indonesianya adalah

1 mengabaikan

2 istirahat

3 melampirkan

4 kelompok

5 cetak

6 pergi keluar

7 mematikan

8 senyum

9 memegang

10 terjadi

11 keluar

12 mematikan

13 gambar

14 tumbuh

15 menyambungkan

16 menggantung

17 memukul

18 saring

19 laki²

20 menyusul

21 menaikan

22 menyerah

23 pendek

24 menyerang

25 jalan

2. ♡♡FRIDAY QUIZ♡♡♡1st Quiz For Today♡1. 175 + 85 = _____2. 20 ÷ 5 = _____3. 35 × 5 = _____4. 75 + 23 = _____5. 1 + 9 = _____...♡Follow me for more quiz everyday♡♡♡ 1 out of 3 quiz♡♡(5 points next quiz 10 points) Good Luck :)​


1. 175 + 85 = 260 ✅

2. 20 : 5 = 4 ✅

3. 35 x 5 = 175 ✅

4. 75 + 23 = 98 ✅

5. 1 + 9 = 10 ✅

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu. Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya. Terimakasih

3. Tolong bantu ya besok harus sudah dikumpul, Tolong terjemahkan Bahasa Inggris ini menjadi Bahasa Indonesia (kalau dari Google jawaban tidak benar). 1. Annoyed at, 2. aware of, 3. Certain of, 4. composed of, 5. delighted with, 6. different from, 7. Disapointed in/by, 8. familiar with, 9. famous for, 10. Happy with, 11. interested in, 12. opposed to, 13. satisfied with. 14. sensitive to, 15. sick of, 16. surprised by/at, 17. tired of, 18. thankful for, 19.thrilled by, 20. ask for, 21. bring back, 22. carry out, 23. depend on, 24. end up, 25. figure out, 26. give up, 27. happen to, 28. interfere with, 29. join in, 30. keep on, 31. listen to, 32. make up, 33. name after, 34. open up, 35. point out, 36. remind of, 37. shut up, 38. think about, 39. wake up, 40. due to, 41. according to, 42. along with, 43.because of, 44. in fact, 45. in addition to, 46. in charge of, 47. in love with, 48. on the other hand, 49. out of order, 50. by means of, 51. by the way, 52. in spite of, 53. in terms of, 54. up to ow (tolong terjemahkan ya please )

urut 1-54
terganggu terhadap
waspada terhadap
yakin terhadap
terdiri dari
senang dengan
berbeda dari
kecewa atas
tidak asing dengan
terkenal akan
senang dengan
tertarik atas
bertolak belakang dengan
puas dengan
sensitif kepada
muak atas
kaget oleh
lelah karena
bersyukur atas
menegangkan karena
meminta atas
bergantung kepada
terjadi kepada
mengikutcampuri dengan
gabung bareng
dinamai dari
menunjuk keluar
mengingatkan atas
memikirkan tentang
akibat dari
tambahan terhadap
berkuasa atas
cinta terhadap
di sisi lain
habis stock
dengan arti
omong omong
dalam kondisi
sampai sekarang

4. Find the Indonesian meaning of the following words/phrases taken from the dialoguesabove.Indonesian MeaningNo.Words/PhrasesBuy2. Check out3. Dinner4. Enjoy5. Finish6. Good afternoon7. Have a nice day8. HelpHope10. Library card11. Nice2312. Reading13. Shoppingan14. Take15.Take careVebe16. Talking17. These18. Things19. Tonight20. Yes, of course​


Arti Bahasa Indonesia


Kata / Frasa


2. Lihat

3. Makan malam

4. Nikmati

5. Selesai

6. Selamat siang

7. Semoga harimu menyenangkan

8. Bantuan


10. Kartu perpustakaan

11. Bagus


12. Membaca

13. Belanja


14. Ambil


Hati hati


16. Berbicara

17. Ini

18. Hal-hal

19. Malam ini

20. Ya tentu saja

maaf kalau kurang tepat atau salah..

kalau emang salah hapus aja ok..

5.   Maria Valentina Clarissa Prayogo Kelas 7D TA.20-21  Dashboard Profile Grades Messages Preferences  Log outBahasa Indonesia7-DDashboardCoursesKelas 7Kelas 7Dbin7-DPENILAIAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP T.A. 2020 - 2021PTS Genap Bahasa IndonesiaQuestion 23Not yet answeredMarked out of 3.30Flag questionQuestion textBacalah puisi berikut.Dari Jakarta, menuju SemarangJangan lupa beli sutraEngkau senang, aku senangKarena kita memang Saudara Balasan yang tepat untuk pantun tersebut adalah . . .a.Jika engkau pergi ke PatiBeli aku sekilo dukuJika engkau berbaik hatiBantulah aku bawakan bukub.Jika keying karena makanJanganlah lupa akan minumnyaJika datang dengan ancamanAkan kutrima dengan gembirac.Buah lengkung enak rasanyaBeli murah di TemanggungKita memang bersaudaraSusah senang kita tanggungd.Makan gulai di atas batuKerasnya batu tak terasakanJika boleh aku bertamuDatang bertamu sambil berjalan​


C. Buah lengkung enak rasanya

Beli murah di Temanggung

Kita memang bersaudara

Susah senang kita tanggung


6. Complete the paragraph with the suitable pronouns .....(1) four friends and ....(2) had come across a loose floor board at the back of yhe classroom, and when ....(3) prised ...... (4) up with the blade of a pocket knife ...... (5) discovered a big hollow space underneath. This, ..... (6) decided, would be .....(7) secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures such as conkers and monkey nuts and birds eggs. Every afternoon , the five of .... (8) would wait until the classroom had empitied, then ......(9) would lift up the floor board and examine ....(10) secret hoard, perhaps adding to ....(11) or taking something away One day when .....(12) lifted up ...(13) found a dead mouse lying among...(14) treasures. It was an exiciting discovery. Thwaites took it ....(15) out by ...(16) tail and waved ....(17) in front of ...(18) faces. What shall ...(19) do with ....(20)? ..... (21) cried ...(22) all locked at ....(23). .....(24) someone shouted. Throw it out of the window quck!

1. my
2. i
3. we
4. it
5. it
6. we
7. us
8. we

7. Complete the paragraph with the suitable pronouns .....(1) four friends and ....(2) had come across a loose floor board at the back of yhe classroom, and when ....(3) prised ...... (4) up with the blade of a pocket knife ...... (5) discovered a big hollow space underneath. This, ..... (6) decided, would be .....(7) secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures such as conkers and monkey nuts and birds eggs. Every afternoon , the five of .... (8) would wait until the classroom had empitied, then ......(9) would lift up the floor board and examine ....(10) secret hoard, perhaps adding to ....(11) or taking something away One day when .....(12) lifted up ...(13) found a dead mouse lying among...(14) treasures. It was an exiciting discovery. Thwaites took it ....(15) out by ...(16) tail and waved ....(17) in front of ...(18) faces. What shall ...(19) do with ....(20)? ..... (21) cried ...(22) all locked at ....(23). .....(24) someone shouted. Throw it out of the window quck!

1 my
2 i
3 we
4 tear
5 we
6 place
7 perfect
8 us
9 we
10 about
11 hoard
12 we
13 we
14 the
15 body
16 grabbing its
17 the body
18  our
19  we
20 this
21 i
22 we
23 the hoard
24 then

8. Questions 20 to 23 refer to the following text.When the earthquake hit the city, I was sleeping soundly, so I didn't know what was happening. Loudnoises from outside woke me up. I heard people screaming in fear. At first, I thought there was a robber caughtin the act, but then I heard my mother screaming that it was an earthquake. I jumped out of my bed and randownstairs. I felt the floor shaking violently under my feet. All I could think of was just getting out of the house.My mind was totally blank.When I went outside, I saw a lot of people in uniforms working together to help people. I noticed there weresome people injured. After a few minutes, we went back to our house. All of us were very scared. Fortunately,our house was not badly damaged. The floor of our garage was cracked, but the other parts of the house werefine. The most important thing was that my family and I were fine.20. What is the purpose of the text?A. To describe an earthquake in general.B. To explain how an earthquake happened.C. To retell the writer's experience in the past.D. To persuade people of the dangers of earthquakes.21. What made the author wake up?A. Earthquake.B. Loud noises.C. His mother.D. A robber.22. From the text, we can conclude that ....A. The writer could not think clearly when he woke upB. Nobody was injured because of the earthquakeC. The writer's house was seriously damagedD. The earthquake lasted for a few hours​


20. C

21. B

22. A


9. This text is for questionFishing LicensemanA couple of young boys (19) at their special pond off the beaten track. All of asudden, the guard jumped out of the bushes. (20) ..., one of the boys threw his rod down andstarted (21) ...through the woods like а bat out of hell. The guard was hot on his heels.After about a half mile, the youngstopped and stooped over with his hands on histhighs to catch his (22) so the guard finally caught up to him. "Let's see your fishing license,boy!" the guard gasped. With that, the boy pulled out his wallet and gave the guard a (23) ....fishing license. "Well, son," said the guard, "youmustbe about as dumb as a box ofrocks! You don't have to run from me if you have a valid license! Yes, sir," replied the young guy,"but my friend back there, well, he don't have one20. A ImmediateB. TrulyC. FastD. SlowlyE. Immediately​


E. immediately


semoga semoga bermanfaat dan maaf kalau salah

10. Quiz Akuntansi Subject: Principles of Accounting (inventory physical flow assumption) Difficulty: Easy - No Spam. Spammers akan mendapatkan peringatan. - No Copas. Jawaban yang merupakan hasil copas dari sumber mana pun akan dihapus dengan peringatan. - Jawablah pertanyaan dengan lengkap sesuai dengan instruksi soal. Jawaban yang tidak lengkap akan dihapus. - Jika ada pertanyaan, silakan tanyakan pada kolom komentar. Below are some transactions of ABC Corp in 2016: January 1: The beginning inventory were carried out from December 31, 2016 amounting to $ 4,000. (There are 20 units in the beginning inventory) January 3: Purchased 200 units of inventory with amount of $ 210/unit from DEF Corp. February 24: Sold 50 units of inventory to XYZ Corp at amount of $ 300/unit. March 6: Purchased 150 units of inventory at the price of $ 220/unit from GHI Corp. June 18: Purchased 125 units of inventory with amount of $225/unit from JKL Corp. July 5: Sold 150 units of inventory at the price of $ 320/unit to UVW Corp. September 15: Purchased 175 units of inventory at the price of $ 240/unit from MNO Corp. November 23: Sold 100 units with amount of $ 340/unit to RST Corp. Calculate the ending inventory and the cost of goods sold of ABC Corp in 2016 if the company uses periodic system and the assumption of the physical flow that is used is: a. FIFO b. LIFO c. Weighted average

a. Ending inventory = 370 unit
                               = 175 x 240 + 125 x 225 + 70 x 220
                                 = $85.525
     COGS = 300 unit
                = $4.000 + 200 x 210 + 80 x 220
                = $4.000 + $42.000 + $17.600
                = $63.600
b. Ending inventory = 370 unit
                                = $4.000 + 200 x 210 + 150 x 220
                                = $4.000 + $42.000 + $33.000
                                = $79.000
     COGS = 300 unit
                = 175 x 240 + 125 x 225
                 = $70.125

c.  Cost of Good per unit = (4.000 + 200 x 210 + 150 x 220 + 125 x 225 +175 x 240) / (20 + 200 + 150 + 125 + 175)
= 149125 / 670
= $222,57
   Ending Inventory = 370 unit x $222,57
                               = $82.350,9
    COGS = 300 unit x $222,57
                = $66.771

Total Sales = 50 x 300 + 150 x 320 + 100 x 340
                  = $97.000

Gross profit if using FIFO periodic system = $97.000 - $63.600
                                                                   = $33.400
Gross profit if using LIFO periodic system = $97.000 - $70.125
                                                                   = $26.875
Gross profit if using Weighted Average periodic system = $97.000 - $66.771
                                                                                         = $30.229

Hence, The assumption of physical flow system that results the highest gross profit is FIFO (First In First Out). But, if we use this system (FIFO), it will give the highest Tax too. If we use the LIFO system, we are going to get the lowest Tax but also give the lowest gross profit.

11. Complete the paragraph with the suitable pronouns! My four friends and ....(1) has come across a loose floor-board at the back of the classroom, and when...(2) prised it up with the blade of pocket-knife,...(3) discovered a big hollow space underneath. This,...(4) decided, would be...(5) secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures such as conkers and monkey-nuts and bird's eggs. Every afternoon, the five of ...(6) would wait until the classroom had emptied, then ....(7) would lift up the floor-board and examine our secret hoarf, perhaps adding to it or taking something away. One day, when ....(8) lifted up,...(9) found a dead mouse lying among...(10) treasures. It was an exiciting discovery. Thwaites took ...(11) out by ....(12) tail and waved ...(13) in front of ...(14) faces. "What shall ...(15) do with ....(16) ?" ....(17) cried. "....(18) stinks!" someone shouted. "Throw....(19) out of the window quick!" "Hold on",....(20) said. "Don't throw ...(21) away." Thwaites hesitated ...(22) all locked at... (23) . "Why don't ....(24) "...(25) said, "Slip it into one of Mrs.Pratchett'as jars of sweets?" We cheered and danced around the classroom. "We'll do it today!"....(26) cried. "We'll do it on the way home! You had the idea," ....(27) said to ...(28) , "So...(29) can be the one to put the mouse in the jar ."

maaf jika ada jawaban yang tidak pas atau bahkan salah

12. pliss jawab secepatnyyaaa yaaa kumpull besok nih ....(1)four friends and......(2)had come across a loose floor board at the back of the classroom and when..(3)prised ....(4)up with the blade of a pocket knife... (5)discovered a big hellow space underneath this .....(6)decided would be.....(7)secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures such as conkers and monkey nuts and birds eggs .every afternoon the five of....(8) would wait until the classroom had emptied then ...(9)would lift up the floor board and eaxmine ......(10)secret hoard parhaps adding to...(11) or taking something away. on day when ......(12)lifted up.....(13)found a dead mouse lying among......(14)treasure .it was an exiciting discovery. thwaites took....(15)out by ...(16)tail and waved .....(17)in front of....(18)faces what shall .......(19)do with .....(20)?...(21)cried...(22)all looked at.....(23).....(24) stinks someone shouted throw.....(25)out of the window quick tolonggg jawab secepatnyyyaa kumpull besokkk

you they cofee and pusing

13. 20. My brother is___ home, my mother is ___work, my father is___holiday, I am___ school, my sister is ___the doctor's and our cat isasleep ___my bed.21. Did you get there ___time, or were you late? I just got there __thenick of time.22. I handed my homework __time.23. ___the time you read this, I will be ___Brazil.24.___we do not understand each other I have decided to move out.​


20. my brother is at hoem, my mother is at work,my father is at holiday, i am in school, my sister at the doctor's and our cat is asleep on my bed.

21. did you get there on time, or were you late? i just got there in the nick of time.

22. i handed my homework on time

23. at the time you read this, i will be in brazil

24. on we do not understand eachother i have decided to move out

14. 18. Rini … absent today. She … to attend a technical meeting for a speech competition tomorrow.19. Tika … a diligent student. She … never late to school.20. My classmates … nice and friendly. The learning process in my class … very comfortable.21. The teachers of my school … a meeting today, so we go home earlier.22. The printer … out of order. So, I … not able to print my paper.23. I … three close friends, they … the friends of mine since elementary school.24. Ms. Ina … three children. All of them … rich.25. The restaurant … always full of people at the lunch time. It … a special menu which … very delicious and cheap enough.​


18) was-has

19) is-is

20) are-is

21) had

22) is-am

23) have-are

24) has-are

25) is-has-is

hope this helps :)

15. 1. Some drugs can damage immune …...system2. Astra International is one of the famous ….. in Indonesia. 3. Learning goes on throughout …...4. The number of new ….. of the illness appears to be declining. 5. The ….. he treats his mother is so sweet. way6. This house isn’t big enough for a ….. of seven.7. We met all sort of ….. on our trip to Asia and Europe.8. If I have a lot of money, I will go around the …...9. New York is one of the ….. in America.10. The entire book is good, but the best ….. is the ending.11. The store sells shoes for both men and …...12. We have to find a way to solve this …...13. Bma has studied English for 2 …...14. What is the largest ….. in Asia? I think it’s China.15. We must wash our ….. before eating.16. He is good at making ….. out of clay.17. Derawan island is a nice ….. for diving.18. Mr Didik wants to spend more ….. with his family.19. Mr Andi is married with three …...20. Stevent studies English twice a ….., on Thursday and Friday.21. Children start ….. between the ages of four and five.22. I will call you in a couple of …...23. Dolphins travels in small …...24. Come on, be a ….. now. No more crying.25. ….. are not allowed to bring mobile phones in to the test.​


1. Some drugs can damage immune system

2. Astra International is one of the famous company in Indonesia.

3. Learning goes on throughout life

4. The number of new case of the illness appears to be declining.

5. The way he treats his mother is so sweet.

6. This house isn’t big enough for a child of seven.

7. We met all sort of people on our trip to Asia and Europe.

8. If I have a lot of money, I will go around the world

9. New York is one of the state in America.

10. The entire book is good, but the best part is the ending.

11. The store sells shoes for both men and woman

12. We have to find a way to solve this problem

13. Bima has studied English for 2 years

14. What is the largest country in Asia? I think it’s China.

15. We must wash our hand before eating.

16. He is good at making thing out of clay.

17. Derawan island is a nice place for diving.

18. Mr Didik wants to spend more time with his family.

19. Mr Andi is married with three family

20. Stevent studies English twice a week, on Thursday and Friday.

21. Children start school between the ages of four and five.

22. I will call you in a couple of day

23. Dolphins travels in small group

24. Come on, be a man now. No more crying.

25. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones in to the test.

16. COMPLETE THE PARAGRAPH WITH THE SUITABLE PRONOUNS!my four friends and ... (1) had come across a loose floor-board at the back of the classroom, and when ... (2) prised it up with the blade of a pocket-knife, ...(3) discovered a big hollow space underneath. this, ...(4) decided, would be ...(5) secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures such as conkers and monkey-nuts and birds' eggs. every afternoon, the five of ... (6) would wait until the classroom had emptied, then ... (7) would lift up the floor-board and exemine our secret hoard, perhaps adding to it or taking simething away.one day, when ... (8) lifted up ... (9) found a dead mouse lying among ... (10) treasures. it was ab exiciting discovert. thwaites took ... (11) out by ... (12) tail and waved ... (13) in front of ... (14) faces. "What shall ... (15) do with ... (16) ? ... (17) cried."... (18) stinks !" someone shouted. "throw ... (19) out of the window quick !""hold on, ... (20) said. "Don't throw ... (21) away."thwaites hesitated. ...(22) all looked at ... (23). "why don't ... (24)", ... (25) said, "slil it into one of mrs. pratchett'as jars of sweets ?"we cheered and danced around the classroom. "we'll do it today!" ... (26) cried. "we'll do it on the way home! you had the idea, " ... (27) said to ... (28), "so ... (29) can be the one to put the mouse in the jar.

1. I
2. we
3. it
4. we
5. a
6. us
7. we
8. we
9. we
10. the
11. it
12. its
13. it
14. our
15. we
16. it
17. now
18. it
19. it
20. Guys
21. it
22. we
23. him
24. we
25. he
26. we
27. we
28. him
29. we
kalau thwaites itu perempuan/yang pake gender 'it' yang pake gender he/him/his diganti pake gendernya perempuan/'it'-nya. Habis nggak jelas dia gendernya, namanya aneh.
(maaf banget ya kalo salah...)

17. Complete the paragraph with the suitable pronouns .....(1) four friends and ....(2) had come across a loose floor board at the back of yhe classroom, and when ....(3) prised ...... (4) up with the blade of a pocket knife ...... (5) discovered a big hollow space underneath. This, ..... (6) decided, would be .....(7) secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures such as conkers and monkey nuts and birds eggs. Every afternoon , the five of .... (8) would wait until the classroom had empitied, then ......(9) would lift up the floor board and examine ....(10) secret hoard, perhaps adding to ....(11) or taking something away One day when .....(12) lifted up ...(13) found a dead mouse lying among...(14) treasures. It was an exiciting discovery. Thwaites took it ....(15) out by ...(16) tail and waved ....(17) in front of ...(18) faces. What shall ...(19) do with ....(20)? ..... (21) cried ...(22) all locked at ....(23). .....(24) someone shouted. Throw it out of the window quck!

1. my 2.I 3.we 4.it 5.we 6.we 7.a 8.us 9.a 10.the 11.it 12.it 13.we 14.our 15.all 16.its 17.it 18.our 19.we 20.it 21.I. 22.we 23.it 24.then

18. tolong kerjakan ini semua dengan cepat ya soalnya langsung dikumpul.3. We need .... engineer for ... building project. *the, aan, athe, anan, the4. Tom and Jerry played with ... the whole day. *one anothereach othereach anotherone other5. Do the students in Via class get along well with .... *one anothereach othereach anotherone other6. The two teams tried to beat .... but it ended up in a draw. *one anothereach anotherOption 3each other7. The thief .... when he heard the alarm. *give awayput up withran awayput away8. My old car ... in the middle of the road. *broke outbroke downbroke upbroke into9. Angrily, Aurelia.... the letter and threw it away. *took offlooked afterrun outtore up10. The football practice was .... due to bad weather. *called offput offcarried onkept on11. I am not going to ... your rude behaviour any more. *put up withstand up forlook back oncome up with12. Davin Imanuel was playing with the firework when it suddenly .... in his hand. *broke updropped outdied downwent off13. The nile river .... by the expedition team. *is exploringhas exploredis being exploredwill explore14. The trailer ... by the lorry. *is being towedis towingare being towedare towing15. A bridge .... across the canal next year. *has been builtwill be builtwas builtis building16. Do you think you are ready to ... your father's shop when he retires? *broke outbroke downpass overtake over17. Did your teacher ... the mistakes you made in your composition? *make outpoint outcarried outbroke out18. The gardener told us to .... the grass. *put offcalled offkeep offtake off19. Mr. Widodo ... his duties so well that he was soon promoted to the rank of captain. *carried outrun outtore updropped out20. His handwriting is so bad that I cannot.... a single word. *carried outrun outtore outmake outPut the correct answer to this sentence into the passive form. 21. Rice ... in paddy fields. *is grownwas growinghave growngrow22. The campers .... a desserted cabin in the forest. *fell throughcame acrossbroke offhanded out23. We called up the police when we discovered that our house had been .... *broken upbroken outbroken intobroken offFill in the blanks with suitable article. 24. ..... screwdriver is ... useful tool. *The, anThe, aA, anA, a25. Choose the correct article to fill in the blank. Can I borrow ... pencil from you? *theaanone​


The , aeach otherone otherone otherran awaybroke downtore upcalled offstand up forbroke up

Untuk sisanya kerjakan sendiri ya dek agar kamu bisa dan pintar, jika tidak mengerti apa artinya kamu bisa cari di kamus atau lebih mudah ke google translate:)

19. Find and write down the emeaning!1. To obey =2. To put out =3. To maintain = 4. Private belonging =5. Camp site =6. Assistance =7. Fire = 8. To wear = 9. Destructive = 10. To harm =11. Nutritious food =12. Ensure =13. Sender =14. Receiver =15. Postpone =16. According to =17. Broadcast = 18. Comduct =19. Occassionally =20.Inconvinience =21. Nature = 22.Temporarily = 23.Register = 24.Fond of =25.Enroll =26.Costly =27. Biodiversity = 28.Landscape = 29.Astonished =30.Pocket money =

Yg bisa jawab in aq bntu trnslate in wkw

Temukan dan tuliskan emeaning tersebut!

1. Untuk mematuhi =

2. Memadamkan =

3. Untuk mempertahankan =

4. Milik pribadi =

5. Lokasi kamp =

6. Bantuan =

7. Api =

8. Memakai =

9. Merusak =

10. Untuk merugikan =

11. Makanan bergizi =

12. Pastikan =

13. Pengirim =

14. Penerima =

15. Menunda =

16. Menurut =

17. Siaran =

18. Produk =

19. Kadang-kadang =

20.Inconvinience =

21. Sifat =

22. Sementara =

23. Daftar =

24. Suka =

25. Daftar =

26. Biaya =

27. Keanekaragaman Hayati =

28. Lansekap =

29. Kaget =

30. Uang saku

20. Compelete the pragraph with suitable pronuns ! ...(1) four friends and ...(2) hand come accros a loose flor-board at the back of the classroom. And when...(3) prised...(4) up with the blade of a pocket knife ... (5) discovered a big hollow space underneath. This... (6) decided,would be (7) secret hiding place for sweets and other small trasures such as Conker's and monkey-nuts and birds' eggs. Every afternoon the five of...(8) would wait until the class room had emptied then...(9) would lift up the floor-board and exmime ... (10) secret hoard,perhaps adding to..(11) or taking something away. On day,when..(12) lifted up,..(13) found a dead mouse lyning among... (14) treasurer.it was an exciting discovery. Thwaites took...(15) out by...(16) tail and waved ..(17) in front of .... (18) faces. " What shall...(19) do with ... (20)? ... (21) cried (22) all looked at... (23). "...(24) stinks! Someone shouted . "Throrw ..(25) out of the window quick!" *Tolong artinya Dan isinya isi my itu tentang teks/objek pronun

MPJ :B.Inggris 
Kelas :VII
Pembahasan :Compelete the pragraph with suitable pronuns !

(1) empat teman dan ... (2) tangan datang menawari papan flek longgar di bagian belakang kelas. Dan ketika ... (3) berharga ... (4) dengan pisau pisau saku ... (5) menemukan sebuah lubang besar di bawahnya. Ini ... (6) memutuskan, akan (7) tempat persembunyian rahasia untuk permen dan trasures kecil lainnya seperti kacang Conker dan monyet dan telur burung. Setiap sore kelima ... (8) akan menunggu sampai ruang kelas selesai dikosongkan lalu ... (9) akan mengangkat papan lantai dan exmime ... (10) tumpukan rahasia, mungkin menambah .. 11) atau mengambil sesuatu. Pada hari, ketika .. (12) terangkat, .. (13) menemukan mouse tikus yang mati di antara ... (14) treasurer.it adalah penemuan yang mengasyikkan. Thwaites mengambil ... (15) keluar dengan ... (16) ekor dan melambai .. (17) di depan .... (18) wajah. "Apa yang harus ... (19) lakukan dengan ... (20)? ... (21) menangis (22) semua melihat...(23)."...(24) busuk! Teriak seseorang "Melemparkan..(25) keluar dari jendela cepat!"

Saya Bisa mengasih kan artinya Mungkin Saya bisa berpikir sebentar tentang apa yg anda tanyakan Ok.........

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